Friday, September 14, 2012

Nine Fourteen Twelve

My mom and I did a whole bunch of canning on Wednesday. Bottles and bottles of canned tomato soup, as well as mashed up peaches to freeze for homemade ice cream, and a couple of homemade peach pies. Too.die.for. My mom is a cooking/canning ninja and I am always happy to go and help a wee bit and be rewarded with oodles of yummy food. And NOTHING says Fall to me more than a bowl of homemade tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. Anywho, in my “prepare for winter” mentality, I thought I’d better get a few quilts basted before the snow flies. I like to baste my quilts in my driveway (as opposed to my turkeys, which I baste in my kitchen), which doesn’t fly when the snow does. This quilt has been pieced, bordered and ready to go for years (no seriously, like probably 4 years or so. Sad. Really sad). My mom brought this Hawaiian fabric back from (you guessed it) Hawaii. I la-la-love it and can’t believe it has taken me so long to get to quilting it. I am trying to be better about finishing a few projects that have been sitting around for a while.

Now when the winter chill sets in, I’ll be able to cozy up by the fire (who am I kidding, I’ll be cozying up in front of the TV) and do some quilting!

1 comment:

  1. Inspiration and motivation for me! Curious to see how you have it quilted. May have to copy. :O)
